Continuous Wave Cw High Repitition Rate


The Shanghai high-repetition-rate XFEL and extreme light facility (SHINE) under construction is designed to be one of the most advanced free electron laser (FEL) facilities in the world. The main part of the SHINE facility is an 8 GeV superconducting Linac operating in continuous wave (CW) mode. The Linac consists of seventy-five 1.3 GHz and two 3.9 GHz cryomodules. Based on the design and experience of 3.9 GHz cavities in the European X-ray free electron laser (E-XFEL) and the Linac coherent light source-II (LCLS-II) projects, we optimize the SHINE 3.9 GHz cavity design to adapt it for CW mode operation. In this paper, we present a particular redesign of the end group for the SHINE 3.9 GHz superconducting cavity that includes a redesign of the end cell and beam pipe to shift away the potentially troublesome lowest high-order modes (HOMs), a modification of the main coupler antenna, and a tuning of the HOM notch filter to meet the cavity requirements. RF losses calculations on the HOM coupler antennas show that the overheating on the inner conductor at the operating mode is diminished significantly. Furthermore, we have also studied the HOMs to ensure there are no dangerously trapped modes in the optimized cavity design.

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The authors would like to thank Paolo Pierini at ESS and Carlo Pagani at INFN-LASA for pre-reviewing the RF design. We are also grateful to Meng Zhang at SARI for discussing the physics parameters in the SHINE Linac and to Hongjuan Zheng at IHEP for discussing the HOM-related issues.

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Correspondence to Jin-Fang Chen.

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This work was partially supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2016YFA0401900) and the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project (No. 2017SHZDZX02).

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Zhang, YX., Chen, JF. & Wang, D. RF design optimization for the SHINE 3.9 GHz cavity. NUCL SCI TECH 31, 73 (2020).

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  • Superconducting cavity
  • Higher-order modes
  • RF design
  • 3.9 GHz


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