Can You Unbelieve and Then Belwive Again

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As similar equally some views of God may be, building a relationship with God is a quest an individual must take for oneself. This personal quest does not necessarily hateful Christianity, any of the Abrahamic faiths, or whatsoever other particular religion. Believing in God means believing in a college power. Here are some things to consider as you search for faith in God.

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    Separate concrete measurements from believing. Retrieve of knowing God not by measurable events, but through an intangible presence in everything y'all do. God is Spirit, experienced intuitively, somewhat like experiencing honey, air and gravity, and unfathomable love and grace.

    • Knowing of God has more to do with the heart (core behavior) than with objects. The belief you course through organized religion and in a Higher Ability than yourself, does not just happen. You exercise not wake upward one morning, castor your teeth, and say, "today I am going to believe in God. Today I am going to accept faith". Something has to happen for you to need and to seek out that faith.[1] If you approach organized religion from this premise, and then you volition meet that believing in God is about reflecting on the impact He has on you and on others.
    • You'll detect that assertive is not by fabric means only by personal development of spiritual organized religion, since God is generally viewed as a living spirit, non having a decaying body,[2] He can be measured by intangible things, like acknowledging His presence, our beliefs, plus our ways and reactions.
    • Remember about all the things yous believe in. You may believe that a team is the best team in your sport, for instance. But what is this based on? Do you favor them because they have superior statistics and more championships? Chances are you favor them because of the specific touch on they have on you equally a fan. Your appreciation for them is based on something inside you, individual, and immeasurable.
  2. ii

    Replace proof with trust. Having faith involves taking a choice. This means deciding to trust without accented certainty.[iii]

    • Chances are you make decisions on religion every solar day. If you've ever ordered food from a restaurant, you lot've taken a step of religion. That particular eatery may have a high customer rating and stellar health score, but chances are yous haven't witnessed firsthand your food being made. Y'all accept to trust that the chefs have washed their easily and prepared your nutrient properly/safely.
    • Seeing isn't always believing. In that location are withal things science can't measure, yet people all the same believe in them. For example, astronomers cannot actually see black holes in outer space, considering by definition they blot materials and the light that is necessary for us to observe them.[4] Merely by observing the behavior of matter and the orbits of stars around a blackness pigsty, we can predict that ane is nowadays. God is too non-viewable but has knowable qualities and observable influence, that draws people to Him.
    • Recollect of a time a family fellow member has been sick and gotten better. Did you ever pray or hope to something higher for their recovery? Maybe this event is similar an orbiting star, and God is like gravity that is exerting His pull on all things.


  3. 3

    End trying to control everything. Probably beyond all religions that have a concept of God, this belief is abiding: God created all things.[5] Because God is the creator, just He is in full control.

    • Relinquishing command of certain aspects of your life does not mean you are powerless. Don't think of God as a puppeteer pulling your strings, but as a parent keeping you safe. Y'all still choose the course of your life, just life may not turn out the way you program or wish. In times similar this, information technology's important to think that God is in that location to help you.[6]
    • Knowing that you are not in control of everything can be empowering. Recovery programs similar Alcoholics Anonymous are founded on the premise that people are not fully in control, and that belief in a higher power restores balance by yielding one'south broken ego. Once we have that we cannot control everything, we learn to accept things we can control.
    • Consider the Serenity Prayer: "God grant me the serenity to take the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."[seven] There are many things you can change just things you lot can't. Y'all may believe that there are college powers that shape your life'south outcome. This is a great starting place for discovering religion in God.


  1. ane

    Go to places of worship. Try attending a Jewish, Muslim or Christian service. Mind to the words that the government minister, rabbi, imam or pastor is proverb and endeavor relating information technology to your life.

    • Clergy ofttimes deliver a oral communication, called a sermon, that relates every mean solar day life to beliefs in God. Come across if things they are saying connects with you lot on a personal level. Though you may not know the specifics of your religious text, maybe a sentiment or bespeak the speaker makes volition connect with you in a big way (for case, treating your neighbor as you would treat yourself).[8]
    • Don't worry virtually not being of that organized religion. Though you may exist restricted from partaking in certain practices, like receiving communion,[9] there are no restrictions for listening. In fact, Christians should be and usually are very happy when new people become curious and interested in the teachings of God.
    • Church services fall on Sunday and usually last near an hour. Synagogue services fall on Saturday. Jumu'ah prayer occurs on Fridays only after midday. Information technology is customary for regular patrons to arrive on time and stay throughout, although information technology is not mandatory for casual attendees.[ten]
    • Catholic mass is usually a formal to semi-formal event. Exist sure that you clothes appropriately. Collared shirts, dress pants, and long dresses are acceptable attire.[11] Too remember to be respectful; no cellphone usage and no chewing glue during church services.
  2. 2

    Talk to people who believe in God. Peradventure someone you know has a well-founded human relationship with God. Talk to him or her near why and how organized religion is so strong.

    • Enquire questions. "Why do y'all believe in God?" "What makes you lot certain that God is in that location?" "Why should I believe in God?" These are all questions that a friend might have a unique insight to.[12] Remember to be respectful and inquire questions in a curious just non-ambitious style.
    • Pastors aren't only available during conversion or confession. If you attend church on a weekday, chances are you will be able to talk to him before or after a service. Such teachers of God will likely be happy to reply any questions you lot have nigh believing in Him.
  3. 3

    Pray and acknowledge God in all you say and do. Many religions believe that a skillful human relationship with God starts with steady prayer of communication with Him.[13] God will likely not reply verbally to your prayers, just there are other signs that evidence He is listening.

    • Prayer is especially important in times of need. Many people have a misconception that prayer is a vehicle for wish fulfillment. Actually, prayer is non asking God to solve all your issues for you; information technology is asking him to aid you deal with your problems/opportunities.[14]
    • You might have a tough decision ahead of you: pursue a job or go along on with your education? Try praying to God for guidance. See what choice you make and detect the consequence. Though things may not terminate up how you plan, think of this as another opportunity to pray.
  4. 4

    Don't think of bad outcomes every bit the issue of God non listening or being present, but of His answering your prayer in a mode you oasis't considered even so. The Bible emphasizes the fact that God works in mysterious ways.[15] Think of God as a instructor, helping you learn important life lessons not past just giving you the answer, simply by helping yous go far at that reply yourself. Recollect back to school and ask yourself, "Did my teachers tell me the answers, or teach me how to sympathize bug and solve issues?" Think of events in your life every bit "lessons" more so than "answers."


  1. ane

    Volunteer. Try giving to others less fortunate than y'all by helping out at a soup kitchen or nutrient drive.

    • Believing in a college ability ways shifting the accent off yourself. Helping others is a great opportunity to look at your life from a dissimilar perspective. Interacting with others who are less fortunate often helps you appreciate things you lot take for granted in your life.
    • Basic things like having shelter, eating food, or being able to slumber soundly are luxuries that some don't have. These are all things that you can thank God for and tin assist you lot believe God is looking out for you.
    • Exist thankful and be persistent. Notice how people who take been not had sure things can still thrive. Tony Melendez, a man born without arms, recently played the guitar for Pope John Paul Two using his feet.[sixteen] Being thankful for the things y'all have shifts attention from all the things that are missing in your life. Focus on the positive; optimism is a stepping stone to assertive in something greater than yourself.
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  3. 3

    Evidence dearest and concern to find God. You lot can team with God to serve every bit His hands and anxiety. Just property open the door for someone tin can brighten that person's day. Little things like smiling, giving upwards your seat to the elderly on public transportation, or merely proverb "thank y'all" tin bring you closer to God. Don't underestimate the effect a good human action tin have on your feeling and believing how a higher power affects others through y'all.[17]

    • Think of times when someone, mayhap even a complete stranger, has done something good to you. Perhaps you dropped your cell phone and someone picked it upward and stopped you to return it. Did you ever break to think near that person's actions? Mayhap that person was an answer to your simplest prayer: "Delight God, just help me get through today."
    • "God bless you", have you lot ever helped someone and been told that? Try letting those words truly sink in and capeesh that securely. What if a skilful human activity is really God telling you that He hears and sees u.s.a. and allows your intents and purposes to limited His love?


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  • Question

    Do I need to pray every twenty-four hours as a Christian?

    Zachary Rainey

    Rev. Zachary B. Rainey is an ordained minister with over 40 years of ministry building and pastoral practice, including over ten years as a hospice clergyman. He is a graduate of Northpoint Bible Higher and a member of the Full general Quango of the Assemblies of God.

    Zachary Rainey

    Ordained Minister

    Adept Answer

    The Bible does not instruct a Christian to pray every day. Prayer is talking to God. A Christian should "pray without ceasing." You should begin your solar day with focused prayer, continue to pray in your heart as you lot perform your activities of the twenty-four hour period, accept breaks throughout the day to speak directly to God in prayer, and retire to bed with some other time of prayer. A conversation with God never ends. While you are conscious, it is always in your heart or on your natural language.

  • Question

    Does God really care most me?

    Community Answer

    Yes. He certainly does! John three:xvi: "For God and then loved the WORLD that He gave His Only begotten son, so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life!"

  • Question

    Do I have to know the Bible completely to believe in God?

    Community Answer

    Definitely non. The Bible tells us nearly God, and we need to read information technology to draw closer to him and line up our thinking with what He says is true. But everyone starts somewhere. The key, at present that y'all believe, is to depict closer to God through prayer and reading His Word (the Bible). The more you read and pray, the stronger your organized religion will abound.

  • Question

    I often recollect nigh death and what happens subsequently I die. This causes me to suffer from panic attacks and I am afraid. How can I believe in God to assuage these fears?

    Community Answer

    Fearing decease is natural, it's unknown, and the unknown can exist terrifying. It's of import to know that without faith (complete trust in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and everlasting life) the relief from that fright will never end. Organized religion in God means trusting in Him; his promise of heaven comes with that trust. Enquire yourself the tough questions. Consult with priests/believers. Practise services. Connect with others, because you lot can't travel this route alone. If you larn to rely on others and larn from them, the journey to faith is possible. Observe others and it will get ameliorate.

  • Question

    How tin I believe in God based on faith and not facts?

    Community Answer

    Remember that although scientific discipline and cognition accept advanced tremendously, there is however so much we practise not know and possibly things we cannot ever know. That's where faith comes in.

  • Question

    How can I be a good Christian if I have done something wrong?

    Community Answer

    Confess your sin to the Lord and apologize of whatever y'all did incorrect. No ane is built-in perfect and God will always love you.

  • Question

    My dad had a bad experience with the Christian faith equally a child and now he doesn't want me to believe in God. I'm forced to practise my faith alone and I can't become to church. What do I exercise?

    Community Answer

    Establish regular prayer in your life, which means daily talk to God and pour out your worries and praise for all he provides. This tin can be done anywhere you can find a quiet identify. Sympathise that Abraham had to undergo this trial when his ain father refused to accept faith in God. Know that a relationship with God is personal and with him equally your friend you lot are never lone in this globe. God is our creator, protector, sustainer, provider, and guardian. Only he can do these things, and just he hears and answers our prayers and deserves our praise.

  • Question

    Can I believe in God without following all the rituals?

    Community Answer

    Yes. Ritual may help you get into a mental country where you lot can more hands connect with the divine, but the trappings are not necessary and your faith is not any better or worse than that of someone who does all of the "right" steps. Your dearest and marvel is all you lot demand to bring.

  • Question

    Can I be a Christian if I'one thousand non against the LGBT community?

    Community Answer

    Yes, of course! God tells usa in the Bible that it's not our position to judge, so loving the LGBT community is a truly Christian thing to do.

  • Question

    How volition I ever meet what God wants me to practice if I'll never exist touched by the holy spirit?

    Community Answer

    You just take to pray and during that time of prayer, inquire what God wants you to exercise and listen to God's voice. You could experience a tugging in your center or a powerful urge to exercise something during that fourth dimension. Follow that urge and it should lead you in the right direction. Also, if you believe in God, want to do good, have a personal human relationship with God, and are willing to fill yourself up with God, then the Holy Spirit will be ever be there to guide you lot. Don't ever lose hope or patience. Another adept fashion to discover what God wants you to exercise is to participate in your church'southward ministries and volunteer for charity groups.

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  • If things seem desperate, go along at it. Yous accept a purpose and God knows it!

  • Practice not surrender your faith, because some claiming comes along. When it knocks you down to your knees, look upward and pray. God had a reason for assuasive gratuitous will and pick. We are not robots nor programmed by instincts or unalterable drives as animals. When yous seek Him early on you'll detect Him. A door will be opened. When God closes one door; he opens another one...

  • Everything in life, every path yous take, you have taken for a reason, if you are following God's will. Write information technology down, and follow the path. Then ane 24-hour interval, read that Volume, and track that path you took. Sympathise how the beginning path led to an old way, a straight path.

  • When y'all find faith, hold on to it tightly; do non allow it to slip abroad; exercise non cease assertive. I day you lot may understand the essence of knowing, I have a purpose in life, and if you are still seeking you can find greater purpose, perhaps fifty-fifty when you to the lowest degree expect information technology.

  • Have faith. Do non get weary in well doing nor autumn back. Believe, and you will never exist lone. Yous do not have to believe or bring together any detail religion to take faith in God.

  • Go to a website that tells yous more than about your need of God, and brainstorm a new life with God today.

  • If loved ones die, and y'all ask "Why?"... "Why did they die?"... "Why was I left alone?": do not give up asking. A reason tin be shown to you in fourth dimension. Until and so, call up to "...walk by faith and not past sight" -- until God determines you are ready to hear the answer -- simply trust God.

  • This article applies to the personal God and presupposes your own and God's existence is necessary and purposeful. Though different faiths profess different views of God, they transcend our ideas of any beingness, whether male or female: God is greater than this...

  • Many say that "seeing is believing", but is that and so with God? If you say "I'g a Christian." -- just you don't believe in an actual God, examine the meaning of Christianity, and realize that your relationship with God is constitute by seeking Him wholeheartedly and accepting Him through faith. Jesus said. "If yous've seen me, you've seen the Father."

    God influences, intervenes/interferes (not coerces), and intelligence decides reality, why life is free, logical (not robotic), sensitive (not numb). The finely tuned design gave intelligence, physical control, senses and emotions -- that point to organized, purposeful traits (not random) with consequences and rewards at present and later.
  • Learn virtually personal testimonies from people whose lives were saved or transformed by their faith in God.

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  • People volition disagree with you many times, don't make a big deal out of it. Respect other people'southward religions, they believe differently than yous practice. That'south for each person to decide. That's okay.


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Article Summary X

Believing in God doesn't happen overnight, but if you trust in him and piece of work on building your spiritual relationship, you can find your faith! Having faith involves changing your mindset and knowing that you can't control everything. In your daily life, take time to pray and ask God for guidance. Yous might also ask God to help other people or thank him for providing for you. To strengthen your organized religion, effort attending a church building service in your area. Heed to the words the leader says and see if you can chronicle it to the things happening in your life. The church building is likewise a groovy identify to hear about other people's religious experiences and exist inspired. Besides going to church, volunteering is a good way to strengthen your faith. You could volunteer at a local soup kitchen or help out with a fundraiser. To learn how to do proficient deeds to praise God, read on.

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