How to Keep Your Relationship Strong After Baby

Happy Men And Women Playing With A Baby

Making a new addition to the family can be quite exciting. There will be so much to do, like picking out names, colors for the nursery, and let's not forget- the baby shower.

There will be great times of dreaming about what that day will feel like when you two become parents. No doubt you will be excited, but at the same time, you might feel nervous and fear if you will be enough and if you are cut out for the job.

Of course, a baby is a bundle of joy, but parenting involves a myriad of challenges .

Your relationship after the baby as a couple is bound to transform. Having relationship problems after a baby is pretty common,

So, how to maintain a relationship, or how to keep a relationship strong after having a baby?

Read along to understand the challenges you two might face not just as parents but as a couple, and learn the effective ways to overcome them.

How does a relationship change after a baby?

The two of you till now might have planned a perfect romantic date just the way you envisaged or made abrupt travel plans, or had sizzling sex wherever and whenever you felt like it!

Well, this is a perfect life of a couple drenched in love!

Having a baby doesn't mean that your love is going to disappear in thin air. It is just that it won't be as easy to follow the lifestyle you have been following to date.

You might cuddle up to your partner, and before things steam up, you might get to hear the restless cries of your baby for no particular reason. You might get dressed in your best attire for your romantic date night, but your baby's diaper might malfunction.

A lot more can happen than what is described earlier. After all, one should never underestimate a baby's miraculous abilities. I leave the rest to your imagination!

What are the marital issues you can have after a baby?

There isn't an iota of doubt that a baby completes your family, makes you a more responsible person, and also gives you a chance to relive your childhood. But, this is just the positive part!

Let us flip the coin and see what all challenges do having a baby entail.

Many couples reportedly complain about the sleepless nights spent feeding the baby, changing the diapers, or simply comforting them and putting them back to sleep. Needless to say, this hardly leaves any scope for hot sex in the middle of the night!

Having a child to care for can stress up the couple regarding managing the finances, taking care of the extra member, additional expenses, and managing the routine chores, which obviously don't lessen!

For the mother, it isn't about just these superfluous challenges. The hormones are in full swing that sometimes leads to frustration, irritation, emotional meltdowns, or can even postpartum depression .

All of this can be quite overwhelming, not just the mother but also the other spouse.

All this must have surely left you intensely dwelling on the thought- how to keep a relationship strong after having a baby!

                      Related Reading:                                How Does Parenting Affect Your Marriage                  

Does having a baby ruin your relationship with your partner?

It isn't a rule that your relationship with your partner goes downhill after having a baby. Just as every relationship is unique, the experience of parenting too is unique for everyone.

Nonetheless, it has been observed in the majority of cases that both the partners tend to get emotionally and physically drained with almost no time left to focus on each other.

Romance takes a back seat for most couples, and they have a hard time striking a balance between their love life, work-life, and parenthood.

Sleep-deprived , sex-deprived, and overburdened with new and old responsibilities, couples can get too overwhelmed to think or work on rekindling the spark in their relationship after the baby.

So, does it mean that the beginning of parenthood marks the end of your romantic connection with your partner?

And, if not, how to keep a relationship strong after having a baby? How to keep a relationship going?

10 ways to re-establish your connection with your partner

 Intimacy and a strong connection between the spouses can exist with a newborn, but it will take some work on your end.

Here are listed ten fantastic ways to revive your relationship after the baby and rekindle your love for each other.

1. Plan a date and try your best to stick to it

Now that you're taking turns working, cleaning, feeding, changing diapers, and caring for your little one, you frequently compromise on the time spent with one another.

Henceforth, plan a date and try your best to stick to it.

In the middle of a feeding or when your babysitter is there to take care of your baby, you can escape for a coffee date. Someday, you can even schedule and go out for dinner too.

How to keep a relationship strong after having a baby?

These small escapes are all you need to keep your desire for intimacy alive!

2. Shower together

Intimacy is something that entwines two people forever. There are many ways to share beautiful and intimate moments with your life-partner; showering together is one of them.

Taking a shower with your life-partner is one of the most sensual things one could ever experience in a lifetime. Yet, utilize this opportunity to connect on both at a physical and emotional level.

A long-lasting and relaxing shower relieves stress like no other thing. Showering together may have been one of the hottest things you did as a couple before the baby, and there's no reason this should change after the arrival of your little bundle of joy.

3. The 15-second kiss

Happy Romantic Couple Kissing In The Park And Tight Hugging Together

A great key to romance

A great key to romance after the baby is kissing. You should at least kiss for 15 seconds regularly . All the negative sentiments disappear while you are kissing.

Something as simple as kissing is the answer to how to keep the romance alive with a toddler.

4. Schedule time for sex

It's essential to keep your sexual life full of fun with a burning desire, as this feeling of closeness helps to keep the spark alive in your relationship after the baby .

It might get difficult with a baby to go about making love the moment you feel like it. So, plan for it!

5. Cook together

Cooking with your partner can be exceptionally romantic. When you both are bustling around the kitchen, let your hand graze his behind and rediscover the chemistry.

If you haven't had dinner yet, set aside that effort to reconnect with your life partner through food. Turn on some peaceful music, cook your dinner and take a seat to dine together.

6. Take a couple of minutes to connect with your partner

When your baby is born, it is normal that you might forget about what is happening in your partner's life when they are outside, and you even do not get enough time to sit and talk about your partner's everyday life.

All consideration and discussion will spin around your children. This is when you need to spare a couple of minutes to talk about different things happening throughout everyday life.

Sit and discuss with your partner not just the crucial things but even routine things like how you are feeling and how you spent your day, as this will strengthen your bond.

7. Spoil 'each other'

When couples begin having children, they will, in general, spoil their children, adore them, give them love and fondness and totally forget about one another.

Spoil each other with treats and gifts; bless each other with adoration and fondness. Never joke with this tip!

Things like this would remind you why you fell in love with one another.

8. Bring the baby into your plans

Being romantic doesn't imply that you need to discover ways to get away from your child. There are a lot of ways to be romantic as a family . One way is to design unique outings.

Strolling along the banks of a river at sunset as your child rests calmly in its stroller may be a standout amongst the most romantic memories of your life.

9. Don't shy away from seeking help

You don't alone have to get snowed under all the responsibilities regarding the baby. You are not a superhuman who people would revere if you overload yourself with grueling tasks!

So, seek help!

Reach out to your parents when you feel too tired to manage everything by yourself. Hire a nanny so that you can buy yourself some 'me' time or a nice 'couple time' and take some rest.

10. Try professional counseling

Have you tried everything possible under the sky and still wondering how to keep a relationship strong after having a baby?

If you feel that your relationship with your husband or wife after the baby is withering away despite all your efforts, perhaps you must seek professional help.

A licensed therapist or a counselor would help you navigate through your challenges in the most effective way and equip you with skills to combat such issues even in the future.

In a nutshell

Having a baby in life is one of the most precious blessings that God can shower on a couple. Despite the challenges, life with a baby can be so much fun !

All you have to do is strike a balance between parenting and your marriage. Do not get too overwhelmed that you forget your identity or other treasured relationships in life.

There will be days when you will feel on top of the world, and the other days might just be too overwhelming. These are the times when you need to stand strong as a couple.

Be kind to yourself and your spouse. Learn to forgive each other, and make efforts to nurture patience.

Enjoy this beautiful amalgamation of your marriage and parenthood. Your life's most beautiful journey awaits you!

Also Watch:

How to Keep Your Relationship Strong After Baby


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